All class programmes are differentiated to provide for the diverse learning needs of all students within the class programmes. Additional specialist led GATE programmes planned for 2018 include...
This year Miss Laxon has been working with a variety of groups to extend their writing. In term 2 the Year 4 group will be taking part in the 100 Word Challenge and the Year 5 group will be using a 'mysterious' resource as a trigger for their work. All writing will be available to be read via our Writer's Blog page.
We have a variety of programme aimed to extend our more able mathematicians. Miss Laxon will be working with groups of Year 1, 2 and 3 students throughout the year and Mr Des Forges will be working with groups of Year 4, 5 and 6 students.
A group of Year 6 students will also be taking part in the Otago University Problem Solving Challenge.
In Term Three teams of Year 5 and 6 students will be preparing for the Remuera Zone Mathex Competition in which they compete against other schools to solve maths problems.
Thinking Skills
Each term Miss Laxon works with groups of students throughout the school to further develop their creative and critical thinking skills in a range of contexts.
Coding and Robotics
One again this year all students will have the opportunity to experience coding and robotics to develop an awareness and understanding of computer programming. Students that show exceptional ability with this will have opportunities for additional sessions with Mr Des Forges to further extend their ability. At lunchtime Mr Des Forges can often be found with a group of dedicated coders as part of is Legotechics club
Mr Des Forges also works with groups of students to complete technology challenges. In Term Three four teams of Year 5 and 6 students will take part in the EPro8 Challenge which is an engineering and problem solving race where teams of students compete against teams from other local schools.
Literature Quiz
In Term Three a group of Year 5 and 6 students will take part in a Literature Quiz to test their knowledge and understanding of a prescribed list of Fiction and non fiction books.
Zone sports events are an excellent way of proving additional challenge for our gifted and talented athletes. Throughout the year these event are run in a range of sports codes including swimming, athletics, cross country and gymnastics. Summer and Winter field days also provide opportunities for competition against a wider pool of players.
At Victoria Avenue School leadership roles such as School Councillor, House Captain and Peer Mediator provide nominated students experience in making decisions, solving conflict and influencing change.
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